The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
1 scalar Int
link Required by
- aiWAREVersionHistoryListaiWAREVersionHistoryList
- aiWAREVersionListaiWAREVersionList
- AlwaysUpFlowList
- ApplicationAn application is a set of Veritone functionality that customers can sign up for.
- ApplicationConfigDefinitionList
- ApplicationConfigList
- ApplicationList
- ApplicationViewer
- ApplicationViewerBuild
- ApplicationViewerBuildList
- ApplicationViewerList
- AssetAn asset represents a single unit of data, such as a file or URL, and basic metadata about that data. An asset must be contained within a TemporalDataObject.
- AssetFileDataA structured containing metadata about an asset file.
- AssetList
- AudienceData
- AuditEventList
- AuditLogEntryList
- AuditLogExportRequestList
- BatchActionResultList
- BatchJobTemplateInputinput for the mutator executeJobTemplate
- BatchProcessinterface for each mutator attache to a batch
- Build
- BuildList
- Campaign
- CloneRequest
- CloneRequestList
- Cluster
- ClusterCollaboratorList
- ClusterList
- ClusterNodeList
- ClusterSubscriptionList
- Collection
- CollectionList
- CollectionMentionList
- CreateAllPipelineJobsTargetInfo
- CreateApplication
- CreateBundleScheduleDefinition
- CreateClusterThis API creates an edge cluster for this core Example: mutation createCluster { createCluster (input: { name: "YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME", allowedEngines: ["all"], dockerCredentials: {}, type: RT, containerTag: "YOUR_CONTAINER_TAG", paused: false, memorySize: "20gb", storageSize: "10gb", bypassAllowedEngines: true, collaborators: [], subscriptions: [], tags: ["aiware-agent"], status: active, mediaStorage: core, mediaStoragePath: "", serviceToken: "fake-token", edgeVersion: 3, } ) { id } }
- CreateEngineInput fields used to create a new engine.
- CreateExecutionPreferences
- CreateExportRequestForTDO
- CreateFolderInformation required to create a new folder. After creation, a folder can be renamed with the `updateFolder` mutation, but no other changes are supported.
- CreateJob
- CreateJobTemplate
- CreateLibraryCollaborator
- CreateLibraryEngineModel
- CreateMediaShare
- CreateMention
- CreateMentionRating
- CreateMentions
- CreateNextPipelineJobsTargetInfo
- CreateOrganization
- CreateRecurringSchedulePart
- CreateSchema
- CreateWidget
- CustomDashboardList
- DagTemplateList
- DailyTaskMetrics
- DashboardAnalytics Dashboards
- DataRegistry
- DataRegistryList
- DataRegistryVersion
- DatasetEntryList
- DatasetList
- DatasetQueryCursor
- DeleteFolderDelete a folder
- Engine
- EngineCategory
- EngineCategoryList
- EngineClassList
- EngineConfigurationList
- EngineFilter
- EngineList
- EngineOverview
- EngineResultRepresents single chunk of engine results for date range
- EngineRunList
- EngineTaskMetrics
- Entity
- EntityIdentifierItem
- EntityIdentifierItemList
- EntityIdentifierList
- EntityIdentifierTypeList
- EntityList
- EventActionTemplateList
- EventCustomRuleList
- EventList
- EventSubscriptionList
- ExecutionLocationList
- ExecutionPreferences
- ExportRequestList
- ExternalCredentialList
- FileApplication
- FileData
- FileTemporalDataObject
- FileWatchlist
- FlowExecutionList
- FlowRevision
- FlowRevisionList
- FlowTemplateList
- Folder
- FolderList
- FolderOverview
- FolderSummaryDetail
- GetStorageSignedUrlInput
- GroupList
- IDListPaginated list of ids
- InstanceAuditLogEntryList
- InstanceAuditLogInput
- IntPropertyType representing an integer property.
- Job
- JobActionAuditList
- JobList
- JobPipelineListdeprecated. DO NOT USE. TODO: Remove
- JobTemplateA job template is a reusable template for job creation.
- JobTemplateList
- LaunchJobTemplatesTargetInfo
- Library
- LibraryCollaboratorList
- LibraryConfigurationList
- LibraryEngineModel
- LibraryEngineModelList
- LibraryList
- LibrarySummary
- LibraryTypeList
- LoginConfigurationList
- MatchedEntityTagsList
- MediaShare
- Mention
- MentionCommentList
- MentionList
- MentionRating
- MentionRatingList
- MoveFolderMove a folder into a new parent folder.
- MutationMutations are used to modify data. Each mutation takes an input that contains the data necessary to create or update the data in question.
- NotificationActionList
- NotificationList
- NotificationMailbox
- NotificationMailboxInput
- NotificationTemplateList
- OpenIdProviderList
- Organization
- OrganizationInfo
- OrganizationInfoList
- OrganizationList
- PackageA Package is an object that groups dependent aiWARE resources together.
- PackageGrantList
- PackageList
- PackageResourceList
- PageCommon fields used by queries and fields that support paging to represent a single page of results.
- PermissionList
- PlatformInfoPlatformInfo
- ProcessTemplateList
- ProgramAffiliateList
- QueryQueries are used to retrieve data. If you're new to our API, try the `me` query to explore the information you have access to. Hit `ctrl-space` at any time to activate field completion hints, and mouse over a field or parameter to see its documentation.
- RegistrationConfigurationList
- SavedSearchList
- ScheduledJob
- ScheduledJobCollaboratorList
- ScheduledJobList
- SchedulePart
- Schema
- SchemaList
- SchemaProperty
- SchemaPropertyList
- SearchInput
- SetAssetFileDataInput type for AssetFileData
- SharedCollection
- SharedCollectionHistoryProvides status information on the creation or update of a shared collection.
- SharedCollectionHistoryList
- SharedMention
- SharedMentionList
- SharedWith
- ShareFolderInput
- SignedUrlInfo
- SingleEngineJobInput
- SourceCollaboratorList
- SourceList
- SourceTypeA source type represents a category of sources that share common attributes, such as "TV station" or "Real-time camera feed".
- SourceTypeCategoryList
- SourceTypeList
- StaticAppConfig
- StorageConfigInput
- StructuredData
- StructuredDataList
- TaskRepresents a single engine task
- TaskList
- TaskReplacementEngineList
- TaskTemplateList
- TDOBatchbatch type
- TDOBatchJobProcess
- TDOBatchProcess
- TDOBatchProcessesInputinput for the query of a batch process
- TDOList
- TemporalDataObject
- TimeZoneAbbreviationInformation about a time zone abbreviation or variant.
- UpdateApplication
- UpdateCluster
- UpdateEngineInput fields used to update an existing engine.
- UpdateFlowRevision
- UpdateJobTemplate
- UpdateLibrary
- UpdateLibraryCollaborator
- UpdateLibraryEngineModel
- UpdateMentionRating
- UpdateOrganizationFields used to update an organization.
- UpdateSharedCollectionHistory
- UpdateWidget
- UpsertSchemaDraft
- Usage
- UsageByTaskType
- UserA user represents a user account within an organization.
- UserList
- Watchlist
- WatchlistList
- Widget
- WidgetList
- WorkflowMetric
- WorkflowRuntimeStorageDataList
- WritableUrlInfoContains information about a signed writable URL retrieved from the getSignedWritableUrl mutation.